Top 5 Video Search SEO Tips

SEO for video ranking

Here is the first part of the 10 best practices your SEO, there is no magic formula to getting your video ranked highly. what you need to do is help the search engines find your promotion.

When you have a video that is ranked highly you will gain a lot of traffic going to your content

1. Thumbnail image

By using a file name that has your keyword contained as your image name, you gain again as you have the ability to make your thumbnail exciting and keyword relevant. This has the ability to increase more clicks, remember to keep the video thumbnail relevant to the video content. A size of 160 to hundred and 20 in any standard picture format will do the trick.

2. Correctly name original file

Name your original file with the keyword description, this is your raw upload file name.

3. The title tag,

make sure that you have the same name in the title tag as your keyword theme if your Niche web video is about video marketing. Tag the tittle “video marketing.”

4. Video marketing and ranking your video

By using the term video at the end, or beginning of the title ensures that the percentage of searches that are looking videos in particular, for an on-topic search term IE “Web traffic and conversion video” will type this in and you are found easier

Keywords stuffing does not work in any sort of SEO, just make your content and description to the video relevant to the subject matter, you know your market audience and niche, create compelling content on a keyword theme. If you create a video with interesting content. It has the ability to go viral, no boring material needed

5. Create a Video Sitemap -

Google is looking at video site maps more and more favorably to the extent that if you don’t have a video site map get onto it now.

This can be fairly complex to set up, but the information at Google webmasters has constant updates. Two Australian guys have great content on setting this up, and have a great tool to get Yahoo and Google to index your videos.

A video site map is designed to catalogue the content of your video including the size, the category, if it’s family-friendly etc. etc.

When the search engines, robot crawl your website, and the video site map has all the requirements needed, you will get your video ranked. Like all indexed content once the the video is included in the video content you can now be found in the universal search engine.

It appears if you snag a top Google Video ranking it will give your keyword a top universal search ranking they will include your video.The techniques that are individual to getting YouTube video is ranked not covered here, even though some of the basic basic methods are the same

No Absolute Right to Flexible Working After Maternity Leave

In this article, I shall be looking at two recent UK cases in which an employment tribunal made clear that there is no absolute obligation on an employer to accept a new mother’s request to work flexibly on her return from maternity leave.Although these are employment tribunal decisions, which are not binding on other tribunals, they are nevertheless worthy of consideration because they each show how an employer can successfully refuse an application for flexible working from a new mother.Erroneous assumptionMany new mothers returning to work after maternity leave erroneously assume that she has an automatic right to change her working arrangements to suit her new circumstances and that a failure by their employer to agree to her request is sex discrimination. The only right she has is to make a request for flexible working.The reality is that the employee and the employer approach the question of flexible working from different positions and have different objectives. While the employee is thinking of her new family situation, her employer has to think how to they are going to run their business without reducing the standard of service provided to customers and without undue inconvenience to other employees.A successful request for flexible working is one in which these potentially conflicting requirements can be conveniently accommodated. The two cases discussed in this article were both instances where the needs of the business were demonstrated to have outweighed the desire of the employee.Working from home
The first of the two cases is Whiteman v CPS Interiors Ltd and others. This is the background to that case:Ms Whiteman, was a designer for a company that refurbishes commercial premises. She made a request to reduce her working hours on her return from maternity leave. Her employer accepted her request but turned down her request to work from home and to do most of her work after 6pm in the evening.The employer considered that, although working at home primarily in the evenings might have been possible, it could not accommodate the request because:
Its collaborative way of working involved designers working together in a room looking at technical designs; and

Designs often have to be changed at short notice, something that would be difficult if the employee worked only at home in the evenings.

Ms Whiteman resigned, citing the handling of her flexible working request as the reason. She rejected the employer’s offer to deal with her complaints under the company’s grievance procedure and to retract her resignation.She brought tribunal claims for breaches of the flexible working legislation, constructive dismissal and indirect sex discrimination.In the employment tribunal
In rejected all her claims, the employment tribunal made the following observations:
There is no right to work flexibly, only a right to request to work flexibly.

The onus is not on the employer to show that the request is impossible or very difficult to accommodate. An employer is quite entitled to say that: “Granting this request would not be in the best interests of our business; we believe what has been requested would be detrimental to our business in that, at best, it would cause us minor but more than minimal inconvenience.”

The assumption is that the request has been dealt with reasonably if the “ACAS code of practice on handling in a reasonable manner requests to work flexibly” has been followed.

Employers must not unlawfully discriminate and a rejection must be based on one of the eight grounds specified by the legislation.

Requirement to work full-time
In Smith v Gleacher Shacklock LLP, the employment tribunal had to consider whether it was indirect sex discrimination for an investment banking firm to require a single parent to work full-time. These are the facts of the case:Ms Smith, a single parent, working as an executive secretary for a small investment bank was returning from maternity leave. She asked to work three days per week in the office, followed by homeworking on Thursdays and not working on Fridays.Following a meeting, her employer turned down her flexible working request because of the:
Impact on the firm’s ability to look after clients;

Unpredictability of her role;

Tight timescales for various tasks; and

Disproportionate pressure on the small team.

The employer gave examples of recent difficulties that would have occurred had Ms Smith not been in the office. These included assisting with a “highly important” call from the firm’s regulatory authority.The employer made various compromise suggestions, including that she could leave early for nursery runs and initially return on a part-time basis, but agreement could not be reached and Ms Smith brought claims for indirect sex discrimination and breaches of flexible working legislation.In the employment tribunal
The employment tribunal rejected all of Ms Smith’s claims.The tribunal accepted that requiring full-time working places women at a particular disadvantage compared with men because women are more likely to be sole parents than men.However, the tribunal concluded that, in any event, the employer’s stance was justified. The employer’s legitimate aim is to “ensure that its partners and clients receive high-quality, efficient secretarial support throughout the week, without problematic handovers”. The employer’s means of achieving its aim were found to be proportionate, with the disadvantage caused to Ms Smith being outweighed by the needs of the business.The takeaway
In both these cases, the employer was successful because it:
Followed the ACAS code of practice on handling in a reasonable manner requests to work flexibly, which gave rise to the assumption that the request had been handled reasonably;

Suggested compromise working arrangements that could be accommodated;

In turning down the application, gave examples of why the request could not be accommodated including citing the type of difficulty that could arise if the request was granted; and

Turned down the request for one of the eight permitted business reasons.

In a follow-up article, I shall be looking at the factors an employer should consider when faced with a request for working from home.

Health and Fitness and Safety Programs Inside the United Kingdom

Health and fitness and safe practices courses in the United KingdomYou can find numerous agencies in the market that produce education in various health and fitness and safe practices courses, the biggest of them being IOSH (Institution of Occupational Safety and Well being)!!! Founded in 1945, this chartered body has far more than 37,000 members and is a pioneer in setting up standards and support groups in this field. They offer resources and guidance for wellness and security training which is often implemented as a result of in-house trainers, external trainers, or as a result of public courses, e-learning, and distance learning. Apart from providing education for companies, they also present instruction for schools and run campaigns in this field. According to statistics, more than 120,000 people take IOSH wellbeing and security training each and every year.Website Management Basic safety Instruction Scheme or SMSTS is an additional health and wellbeing training course that was devised to assist web page managers. The course was aimed at developing knowledge, creating awareness and understanding of legal, moral and social responsibilities by the managers in terms of wellness, basic safety and welfare on their respective development sites. In recent times, it has come to be regarded as the most respected qualification for folks aspiring to be in management positions, particularly inside the building sector.An additional study course that was introduced alongside SMSTS was a two-day Web site Management Education Scheme Supervisor’s Course or SSSTS. The latter training is aimed at 1st time managers who were just about to receive supervisory powers and responsibilities.It is also imperative that all organisations impart fundamental very first aid teaching to all of their employees. These initial help programs assist in case of any accident, illness or injury by supplying health-related intervention till professional support arrives. A initially aid program generally consists of a series of uncomplicated strategies that any individual can be trained to perform. You will discover basically two primary courses – Emergency Initially Assist at Work a one day course that covers the basics such as cardiac arrest and severe bleeding and First Aid at Get the job done a three-day training course covering the full spectrum of very first support.So, get began and come across out about the agencies providing wellness and security instruction in your area so that you are able to get your workers certified and get the job done without tension.Wellbeing and basic safety teaching not only helps in providing immediate medical attention, but also averts injury as the organisations trained in the training course already take vital steps for the wellbeing of their workers.